Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

Because I'm a dreamer. And I had this wonderful pictures in my head - until the reality came and hit me right into my stomach. That's when I woke up. And I realised it tried to wake me more than one time. My body was full of bruises and wounds and cuts. I was bleeding and didn't even recognised it. When I woke up it started to hurt. And I cried and screamed because I couldn't stand the pain. But it didn't get better. So I started dreaming again. I dreamed about my wonderful life in the future. About work, a family, friends. It was the only way to escape the reality, the present, the truth. When the time came I dreamed about before and none of my dreams came true the reality hit me again. And all I did was to hide behind my fantasy. I never wanted to know what really happened in my life. And now that I am old and there is no future I can dream about anymore I dream about a paradise after the death. But there was one more time when I had to face the reality. A stranger saw my body full of scarfs. "Wow, someone with so many scarfs must have lived his life", he said. Tears where running down my face when I looked back at a life full of things I never wanted. "No", I replayed. "I dreamed it."

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